
Monday, September 24, 2012

Seven Layer Bars

Something that strikes me is regional names for things. In Ohio I don't remember too many sweet, cookie-like recipes being called Bars. It's like the question I asked Mrs. Sundberg about the first recipe of hers I made, called Blueberry Raspberry Buckle. I had never heard that before, but it described exactly what the batter mixture did as it baked. I like the regional names that come with things like recipes. Especially recipes from years ago, that seem to reflect the literal about the dish. Seven Layer Bars makes perfect sense with this. It is layers of goodness, that, well, has a combination of things that taste good together. The Salted Caramel Chocolate Bars was one that I knew would be hard to beat, but this one is right up there with it. This one might have been good with some sea salt sprinkled across the chocolate and butterscotch chips before the coconut and sweetened condensed milk were added.

I didn't have the pan that it called for, a 9x13x2, so I made it in a 9x9 pan. A little thicker, but I just cut the bars a little smaller. I got 16 out of that size pan, and it was an ample portion because of how rich they were.

I didn't have my Supremes to taste test for me this time. My Mr. is away on work travel, over the international date line, where right now at 9:30 on my Monday evening, it's already tomorrow where he is. My daughter-in-law commented one other time when he did that kind of travel, that he should be able to send me the winning lottery numbers, and that sounded like a good idea to me!

I know the other two ballistic missile men will be in withdrawal since they won't be tasting anything for a month, but there's work to be done and my man is out there doing what he does best. I promised him that I would remake this when he gets back home.

I did, however, have two neighbor boys, Michael, 12, and Gabe, 11, step in for the Supremes. They were more than happy to take six of these off my hands and they were gone, except for saving one for Gabe's mom. I love giving treats to them. They are great young men, and I'm glad to know them both.

The recipe ingredients called for almonds, the instructions said pecans, and when I went to the store to get the things I needed, I forgot my nuts! :-) So I had walnuts in the freezer, and used them, and they were fine. I asked Mrs. Sundberg about it, and she said any kind would work. I think even chopped peanuts would be good...and then there's always cashews.

You can't go wrong with these. Easy to mix up and bake, and they taste great. 
Thank you, Mrs. Sundberg.  :-)

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