
Monday, August 27, 2012

Berry Cobbler

The recipe:

Well, I am two recipes behind and sorry for the slip. It has been an interesting week with my Mr. having some back problems. I became his arms and legs, when something as simple as bending down to pick up his phone proved to be more than he could do for a couple of days.

But he's back at work today...yay! I have made the cobbler, and the salted caramel chocolate chip bars will be done tomorrow. The house smells wonderful and there's warm cobbler on the counter for dessert tonight. With 3 scoops of it reserved for the Supremes tomorrow. They have been so good to volunteer to be my taste testers.

This is a rich batter with the butter and sugar, but how can you have a good dessert without richness. It's all in the portion control. Something that I am pretty good at, but every so often, the spoon slips a little.

I knew when I read the recipe and saw almond extract that this was going to be cherry and not blueberry. The Mr. will eat blueberries when they are cooked in something, but this needed cherries. He was happy with that, and the pie filling that I get has a LOT of cherries in it. Not like some that is mostly the filling...what is that called anyway? Cherry goop, cherry sauce? Well, there is less of that and more of the cherries, and that's okay by me.

Letting the butter soften makes this first step much easier, but that is cooking 101 for most folks. Folding in the flour/baking powder mixture is easy after the addition of 4 eggs to the butter and sugar. (I told you it was rich.)

The directions said to spoon the pie filling on top of the cake mixture in 16 evenly spaced dollops. Well my puddles ran together a little, and there were so many cherries in that can, that I just let them run in to each other, figuring that the end product would be better for it. I was right.

I have no photos to judge the end product by, so what you see is what I got. However, there is a spoonful missing from the lower right corner, and although I wouldn't call it a cobbler so much because of the cake-y texture, I can call it delicious. The Supremes are eager to get their test containers tomorrow in between Ballistic Missile business.

Thank you Mrs. Sundberg.  :-)