
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Batter for Deep Fried Halibut

I have to say that I really am not much of a fish person. Mrs. Paul's fish sticks were fed to me when I was young, and as an adult, I was always concerned with trying to bake fish and get it done all the way through. I am not, I repeat NOT a fan of sushi, intentional or because I undercooked a filet. Texture, the idea of it, a bad experience a long time ago have conspired to have me place fish down toward the bottom of my list of foods I like.

Well, this was good. Very good. I used a porter in the batter and drank the rest, so maybe that is why I liked it. really was a nice crisp coating for the fish. Not that grease soaked breading that comes from fast food fish places, but a light, almost tempura-like crispness. I think it would be great on shrimp, scallops and clams, too. I fried it in my old, trusty, seasoned iron skillet because I always use it for frying, on the occasion that we indulge in fried foods, which isn't often.

The Mr. had some on a plate, topped with the salsa in the previous recipe, then he made a sandwich with it, topped with more salsa, and a splash of hot sauce. When he goes back for seconds, it's good. The last few pieces are going into a wrap, along with more salsa for his lunch tomorrow. He's always good about taking the leftovers in his lunch, but I don't really think he minded at all. 

Thank you, Mrs. Sundberg.  :-)

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