
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Bars

I'll say right away that chocolate, caramel and a bit o' salt is a great combination of flavors. I have always enjoyed sweet and salty, but putting chocolate in the mix kicked this into delicious for me. I heard a long time ago, that if you want something sweet, find the very best, and enjoy a reasonable amount of it. I have tried eating a substitution for what I really wanted, and was not sated. So now if I want chocolate, I get exactly what I want...usually dark chocolate, about 60% cacao works. The recipe didn't specify dark or milk, so I used dark because I like it. Plus dark chocolate is good for our heart, brain, contains antioxidants, theobromine—which hardens tooth enamel, has vitamins and minerals, and helps control blood sugar. Like I needed a reason to eat dark chocolate.

This called for two delicious teaspoons of vanilla, and it won't be long before I have to make more. 3 vanilla beans, split, scraped, and everything put into some vodka has given me the best vanilla to add to recipes. I don't think I will ever buy commercial vanilla again. I am on the hunt for unusual vanilla beans to make the next batch.

I used crystalline sea salt because that's what I had, but I did a little looking around online, and even though salt is mostly salt, there crystalline, flaked, sea, rock, himalayan....and it goes on. Sea salt mostly comes from Portugal to Maine and California to the Pacific Rim. Having finished the baking of these, I would say that next time, and there WILL be a next time, I will use a little more salt. I like that little burst that comes mixed in with the sweetness of these, and there wasn't quite enough.

The Mr. is home for a dentist app't. so armed with a cup of coffee, he unwrapped the caramels for me. Ended up being 10.4 oz, but I think one or two for the part that stuck to the bowl was about right.

Dividing the dough, more specifically, spreading the second half on top of the melted caramel took a bit of patience. I am more of a drop and plop sort of cook, and I had to work a little with these to get the caramel covered. As you can see, the middle was a little thin. But the dough raised up over it and they turned out fine.

They sank a little in the middle as they cooled, and are a little soft in the center, but I think they will set up fine. Two pieces later, this recipe is going in the file, and will be made again and again. And yes, ice cream would be good with it, but it is fine just as it is, naked straight out of the pan.

The rest of them are going to a meeting tomorrow where the Supremes and 5 other ballistic missile people will be my unknowing taste testers. The missile stuff may be top secret, but any remarks on this deliciousness is coming straight back to the cook! 

Thank you Mrs. Sundberg. :-)

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