
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sweet Hubbard Squash Custard Pie


I am trusting that you will try this recipe, and hopefully post your experience here. The Mr. has a severe allergy to all squash, after exposure to the oil well fires in Desert Storm, and we don't have squash any more. He reacts to it by touching, as well as ingesting, so there is no wiggle room for experiments here. I am sure it is delicious, and we both miss squash, but cannot take the chance, even the residue of squash on the counter, a dish rag or a knife will cause the reaction that we avoid at all cost now. Halloween is a challenge, and there's no more pumpkin carving at our house. :-(

Thank you, Mrs. Sundberg.  :-) 

Apple Pie Cake


This cake was wonderful! Sadly, my Mr. wasn't here to try it. He is away on work travel, having experienced an earthquake, and now a typhoon, which might send all ships out to the ocean to ride out the storm. This trip for him has been trying and he wants to be home. So telling him about this week's recipe didn't help much.

I had three Honey Crisp, and two Fuji, and that is what I used. Any baking apple would do for this, Granny Smith being the usual choice, but I encourage you to experiment with different kinds. Apple flavor comes through with many varieties, so try your favorite.

I did share some with my neighbor Julia and her family. She said I was spoiling her, but keeping it in the house would mean I would be tasting it every day. And I did anyway. It was great with coffee, and mid afternoon also was a good time to have a piece. Her family liked it, and wants the recipe.

I did sprinkle more cinnamon on top, because it's good for us, and we like the taste of it. I also made the trip to the Mr.'s office today to take his laptop for shipping back for a new logic board, and I took the two Supremes each a generous portion of this, because they are staying there, holding the line on missile defense work. They groaned in anticipation, and saying they would have it in the morning with coffee. I didn't get a photo of it after baking, and it's all gone now, so you will have to bake your own to see how wonderful it looks, and how wonderful it tastes.

Thank you, Mrs. Sundberg.  :-)