
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Buckeye Bars

That classic peanut butter and chocolate combination is loud and clear with these delicious bars. Of all the times I made what we called Buckeyes when I lived in Ohio, I never thought to make them as a bar instead of rolling them into balls and dipping each one in melted chocolate. Delicious, but time consuming. This recipe was all the goodness with a lot less work. Although, made that way reflected the fact that I lived in the Buckeye State, the Buckeye is the state tree, a football team, and the nut of the tree was called that because it resembled a buck's eye. So who am I to mess with tradition.

I know I said that I wasn't going to change these recipes, but in our house, there's just one peanut butter: CHUNKY. I can take it or leave it, but the Mr. must have it. I liked the addition of it to this recipe. A little texture was nice. I also used my well worn 9 x 9" pan so they were a little thicker, which meant that they were cut smaller...about 1" square. 

This went together quickly. It took about 6 minutes, and they were in the fridge to set up. Cleaning up took longer than mixing up.

They didn't last long either. One of the Supremes is off on a motorcycle adventure to Sturgis, South Dakota, so he missed out. The other two were more than happy to eat his share. The nice thing about these is that the richness makes a small piece satisfying. They had one with coffee early in the day, and another one after lunch. They had two days' worth, and they didn't eat them all at once, but a little goes a long way. Another note: sitting them on the counter for about 20 minutes or so made them easier to cut, and likewise for eating. They didn't melt, but softened up nicely. And tasted GOOD.

Thank you, Mrs. Sundberg. :-)

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